Deatherwisher Is As Deatherwisher Does

nerdy-gun-guy-cropped-proto-custom_1From Talking Points Memo and CNN’s Ed Henry, who spotted more signs of armed insurrection, and they’ve upped the ante to a pair of AR-15s:

One man, whose presence we noted earlier, was an African-American man who didn’t seem to make completely clear what his political position was. But the second, who we haven’t seen any pictures of, was apparently holding his assault rifle while chanting against socialism and denouncing Obama’s policies.

Does someone have to die before the Secret Service drops the hammer on these guys? I know it’s legal to carry, but can they enter a concert, or the grocery store or a daycare center with a gun? Is Arizona being invaded by the Mexicans or someone, such that they need to raise a well regulated militia?

Update: Make that about a dozen guns that showed up. Anybody ever see the Jules Feiffer film, Little Murders? Here we are, Ladies and Gentlemen!

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